The Week in Medway Politics, 2 Dec

What have we been up to?

Our Stories

Top Tweets

Enough about us, what about the others?

Our Honourable Guests

Thanks for the contribution from @VanessaARoach

Medway Political Parties

Medway Conservatives
Medway Labour
Medway UKIP
Medway Liberal Democrats
Medway Greens

In ‘Other’ News

Rehman About Town

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Finally, as briefly set out in the tweets above, we have expanded the options available for buying us a hot drink on Ko-fi. As well as the previous one-off Paypal payment, you can now setup a monthly payment, so if you enjoy what we do and would like to see it continue, we’d really appreciate if you’d consider that. Additionally, we can now accept card payments for those who don’t have a Paypal account. So, er, just give us your money, alright?

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