Recap: The final Cabinet of term

Medway Council Cabinet meetings are where the majority of important decisions are made. With the Conservatives holding a majority on the council, the decisions taken at Cabinet become de facto council policy.

Rather unhelpfully, Cabinet meetings are held at 3pm on a Tuesday afternoon, and while these are in principle public meetings, they are incredibly difficult for the public to attend if they have basic things like, you know, a job.

We’ve tried to cover them when we can, but it’s been fairly few and far between. We can only afford to cover these meetings if our costs in doing so are covered. Last month, via our Ko-fi page, you called our bluff and put enough in the pot to send Jennings down to live tweet the final Cabinet meeting of the current administration.

Highlights of the meeting are below, and honestly, we use the term loosely:


One Reply to “Recap: The final Cabinet of term”

  1. All sounds like typical back slapping ! Still no cohesive traffic /transport foreatd planning with the bodging of Strood foremost, no strategic infrastructure consolidation, save a airy fairy mention of a delayed possible free school. Medical facilities, water, sewage, education,, traffic all need addressing immediately before the impending pressure of developments…..

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