A Lib Dem view on a Labour Launch

In which Jasneet Samrai of the Liberal Democrats offers her view of Labour’s Medway manifesto launch and makes the case for her party ahead of the European elections..

Jeremy Corbyn launched his manifesto here. But Medway should ‘Demand Better.’

On Thursday, Corbyn launched the Labour manifesto for the Euro Elections on the University of Kent campus. But Medway deserves better than this. We should therefore demand it.

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In which Jasneet Samrai shares the experience of being a young person involved in politics.

Being a young person in politics is hard. I wish it wasn’t, but it is. It’s also a rare occurrence.

Don’t get me wrong, being involved in politics is something that I really enjoy, yet as a young person it’s a system that is ultimately rigged against me. The crisis in both the lack of youth participation, and the culture within youth politics itself, is not due to a problem with my generation; instead due to a seismic failure within our own political system.

Continue reading “ARGH I HATE POLITICS”